Take the
Same House Pledge

The Same House Pledge unites individuals, corporations, nonprofits, cultural leaders, and governments to promote economic mobility and social connection in our communities.

Our Pledge works to bridge community divides through collective action and support. 

Whether you're a philanthropist, business leader, city official, or everyday citizen, your pledge makes a local impact in a nationwide campaign. Join leaders from Atlanta and communities across the nation who have already pledged their time and resources to their communities.

Help Create a Community Where 
We All Live in The Same House

We believe in coming together as one people, one family, in the same house. By pledging, you commit to:


Meet and learn from people with diverse backgrounds to build communities of belonging.


Spark new opportunities across economic backgrounds to connect and collaborate.


Your talents and resources to different neighborhoods to understand and enhance their economic opportunities.

What You’ll Get

Everyone is at a different stage in their journey, so we’ve created a set of resources to help you share and advance 
our cause.

When you pledge, you’ll receive a toolkit with:

  • Advice on creating greater economic mobility and social connection in your community.
  • Details about The Same House programs that support your commitments.
  • Graphics and content to help you engage your network and discuss social mobility using the hashtags #WeAreTheSameHouse and #DoingGoodTogether.

Ready to Build The Same House Together?

Take the Pledge